Rock Duo
Dave Groewer & Jan Ackermann
Wie auch bei vielen seiner prominenten Kollegen, packte auch Dave die Faszination fürs Trommeln im frühen Grundschulalter. Sein Intresse reichte vom klassischen
Rock bis hin zum Metal. Studioprojekte und zahlreiche CD-Veröffentlichungen folgten. Unter anderem bei der Band "Nightmission" unter STF-Records. Mit "Atlanticos-Band" war Dave auch viele Jahre
im Ausland mit zahlreichen Live- und Fernsehgigs unterwegs (u.a. "Atlanticos feat. Wolf Maahn"), Videodrehs etc. Er wirkte bei div. CD-Produktionen als Arrangeur mit und ist seitdem auch als
Konzertveranstalter und Produzent tätig. Ab 2013 war er Mitglied bei der neu formierten "Ötte-Band". Aus der Zusammenarbeit entstand die CD "Wieder auf dem Weg". Dabei war er nicht nur als
Drummer sondern auch als Arrangeur beteiligt. Im Jahr 2014 erhielt die Band für die CD den Deutschen Rock & Pop-Preis in der Kategorie "Bestes deutschsprachiges Album des Jahres 2014". Anfang
2015 verwirklichte Dave seinen Traum von einer eigenen CD. Es entstand ein Instrumental-Album "Dave & Friends" mit dem Titel "Heavy Dreams" in Zusammenarbeit mit den Gitarristen Jan Ackermann
und Amadeus Sektas. Mit diesem Album gewann Dave beim Deutschen Rock & Pop-Preis den 2. Platz in der Kategorie "Bestes Instrumental Album 2017". Ab ca. Mitte 2017 entstand - wieder in enger
Zusammenarbeit mit Jan Ackermann - die 2. Solo-CD - ein Konzept-Album mit dem Namen "Dark Island". Seit Oktober 2018 ist Dave wieder bei dem Plattenlabel STF-Records unter Vertrag.
As with many of his celebrity colleagues, Dave's fascination with drumming came in early school. His interests ranged from classic rock to metal. Studio projects
and numerous CD releases followed. Among others with the band "Nightmission" under STF-Records. With "Atlanticos-Band" Dave was also on the road for many years abroad with numerous live and TV
gigs (including "Atlanticos feat. Wolf Maahn"), video shoots, etc. He was involved in various CD productions as an arranger and has been a Active as a concert promoter and producer. From 2013 he
was a member of the newly formed "Ötte-Band". The CD "Wieder auf dem Weg" emerged from the collaboration. He was involved not only as a drummer but also as an arranger. In 2014 the band received
the German Rock & Pop Award in the category "Best German-language album of the year 2014" for the CD. At the beginning of 2015 Dave realized his dream of his own CD. The result was an
instrumental album "Dave & Friends" with the title "Heavy Dreams" in collaboration with the guitarists Jan Ackermann and Amadeus Sektas. With this album Dave won 2nd place in the category
"Best Instrumental Album 2017" at the German Rock & Pop Prize. From around the middle of 2017 - again in close cooperation with Jan Ackermann - the 2nd solo CD - a concept album called "Dark
Island" was created. Since October 2018 Dave is back under contract with the record label STF-Records.
Jan Ackermann
He is characterised by his versatile, accomplished guitar playing and his sense (and knowledge) of great harmonies and melodies. Jan feels at home with his round tone not only in classic hard rock and metal. He loves juggling with different influences and integrating them into extremely varied compositions.
His career has included Noisegate (prog metal, winner of the 1st Remscheid Rock and Pop Prize, later renamed Soultrip, with heavier crossover and nu metal sounds), the successful Cologne ska band The Clerks (as bassist), the international rock band Atlanticos (where Jan met Dave Groewer for the first time) and El Carmen (Atlanticos successor).
Jan has been involved in numerous studio productions as guitarist, bassist, sound engineer and producer and at many concerts throughout Germany. Releases on Wolverine Records, New Way Musikverlag and Stf-Records included.
Jan already played on Dave's first instrumental album "Heavy Dreams". Since then, the two have formed a power team that pushes each other and is the driving force behind "Dark Island".